Naciones Unidas

Eurostat microdata

Become a ‘safe researcher’

This self-study material prepared by Eurostat, provides guidance on how to become a ‘safe researcher’ eligible to use Eurostat microdata. It will contribute to safe use of confidential data for scientific purposes and better understanding of the access procedures and requirements.

The Eurostat material is composed of the following modules:

Module 1 - Introduction

Module 2 - Perceptions about research use of data

Module 3 - Understanding restrictions on data access

Module 4 - Thinking about data access

Module 5 - What things go wrong - an evidence-based analysis

Module 6 - Statistical disclosure control

Module 7 - How can you help?

Module 8 - Reference material

Get familiar with statistical microdata

Public microdata consist of sets of records containing information on individual persons, households or business entities. The files are created to allow the general public to get familiar with statistical microdata. The files are prepared in such a way that individual entities cannot be identified; this goes with a loss in information value.

European Public microdata are currently available for the two most popular domains in social statistics: the labour force survey (LFS) and the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). Files are available only for the countries that have agreed to their publication (see the overview). More microdata might be available at the national level.

Online courses and videos

Introductory videos to  online courses available in If you are a United Nations staff member,  enter with your login and password to the Lynda Platform and update your knowledge about anonymity and confidentiality in research studies.


On line Courses: 

  1. Big Data Foundations: Techniques and Concepts
  • Ethics in big data: Challenges with anonymity and confidentiality 
  1. Academic Research Foundations: Quantitative
  • Research ethics