Naciones Unidas

Eurostat microdata

This Libguide presents a summary of the most relevant aspects of Eurostat’s guidelines, rules and regulations on access to microdata for research purposes. This guide has been developed by the Hernán Santa Cruz Library for ECLAC Santiago researchers.



This Libguide represents a summary of the most relevant aspects of Eurostat’s guidelines, rules and regulations on the access to microdata for research purposes. The guide is developed for Santiago ECLAC researchers to facilitate the process of requesting microdata from Eurostat and also outlines the ECLAC internal procedures necessary that one should follow.  

Note however, that this document encourages the importance of reading and reviewing Eurostat documentation available on the Eurostat website: and researchers are greatly advised to do so. 

The Hernán Santa Cruz Library, acting in the role of "Data Manager" for Eurostat, is available to answer any questions or concerns regarding this document and/or access to the Eurostat database. (