Naciones Unidas

Eurostat microdata

Breach of confidentiality

The confidentiality undertaking (page 30) that ECLAC signed constitutes the license under which access is granted by Eurostat. That undertaking and the individual confidentiality declaration signed by each ECLAC researcher refers to Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 as the underlying framework for access. In this way, Eurostat emphasizes the importance of protecting the statistical confidentiality of the data. These documents also specify the consequences for violating these conditions.  

Any potential breach of confidentiality will be treated individually, depending on the responsibilities of the researcher/research entity, place of violation, applicable law and various other circumstances. Depending on the situation, sanctions may be applied to researchers or their research entities. (See Guidelines for the assessment of research entities and research proposals

According the UN's Staff Rules and Regulations, staff should only use UN assets (including confidential data) available to them at work for official purposes. The organization has set out clear disciplinary procedures should this obligation be compromised by a staff member. 

ECLAC staff are obligated by the Staff Regulations of United Nations Secretary-General in relation with confidential data (Source: Staff Rules and Staff Regulations of the United Nations Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2011/1). Moreover, the principal and individual researchers, before having access to Eurostat, will be requested to sign the ECLAC internal protocol of confidentiality to ensure that: 

At the end of the project, all original files provided by Eurostat and any confidential data derived from files will be destroyed. 

Clear data description, annotation, contextual information and documentation are being kept that explains how data were created, what the data mean, what their content and structure are, and any manipulations that may have taken place, ensuring that research data can be accessible, understandable and reused by researchers. 

The research results based on Eurostat data will be provided to ECLAC Library to be properly stored and preserved and to be submitted in accordance with Eurostat Rule 1.2 Basic rights and obligations of staff.  

Disciplinary procedures may be instituted against the principal and individual researchers who fail to comply with the obligations and standards of conduct set out in the Charter of the United Nations, the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, the Financial Regulations and Rules and administrative issuances, and the internal protocol. 

Staff are reminded that the oath of office that every servant of the United Nations signs, in accordance with the Staff Regulations adopted by General Assembly resolution 13 (I) of 13 February 1946, declares that the manner of all staff members must be conducted ethically, in all loyalty, discretion and conscience to uphold the values of the United Nations.