Naciones Unidas

Eurostat microdata

Eurostat Datasets

Eurostat grants access to microdata for scientific purposes only. The list included below has only a very brief and general description for each datasets. We encourage you to see more details available at:

The European Community Household Panel (ECHP) is a panel survey in which a sample of households and persons has been interviewed year after year.

These interviews cover a wide range of topics concerning living conditions. They include detailed income information, financial situation in a wider sense, working life, housing situation, social relations, health and biographical information of the interviewed.

The total duration of the ECHP was 8 years, running from 1994 to 2001 (8 waves). As from 2003/2004, the EU-SILC survey covers most of the above-mentioned topics. The Member States involved were Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

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The European Union Labour Force Survey (EU LFS) is conducted in the 28 Member States of the European Union, 2 candidate countries and 3 countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No. 577/98 of 9 March 1998. At the moment, the LFS microdata for scientific purposes contain data for all Member States plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.

The EU LFS is a large household sample survey providing quarterly results on labour participation of people aged 15 and over as well as on persons outside the labour force.

The data collection covers the years from 1983 onwards.

In 2016, the quarterly LFS sample size across the EU was about 1.5 millions of individuals. The EU-LFS covers all industries and occupations.

The LFS microdata including years 1983-2016 became available in October 2017.

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The Community Innovation Survey (CIS) based innovation statistics are part of the EU science and technology statistics. Surveys are carried out with two years' frequency by EU member states and number of ESS member countries. Compiling CIS data is voluntary to the countries, which means that in different surveys years different countries are involved. The CIS is a survey of innovation activity in enterprises. The harmonised survey is designed to provide information on the innovativeness of sectors by type of enterprises, on the different types of innovation and on various aspects of the development of an innovation, such as the objectives, the sources of information, the public funding, the innovation expenditures etc. The CIS provides statistics broken down by countries, type of innovators, economic activities and size classes. New microdata release normally takes place two and half years after the end of the survey reference period.

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The European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is an instrument aiming at collecting timely and comparable cross-sectional and longitudinal multidimensional microdata on income, poverty, social exclusion and living conditions. This instrument is anchored in the European Statistical System (ESS).

The EU-SILC project was launched in 2003 on the basis of a "gentlemen's agreement" in six Member States (Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg and Austria) and Norway. The start of the EU-SILC instrument was in 2004 for the EU-15 (except Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom) and Estonia, Norway and Iceland.

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The European Union Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) is conducted in the 28 Member States of the European Union as well as candidate countries and countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

The objective of the Structure of Earnings Survey is to provide accurate and harmonised data on earnings in EU Member States, Candidate Countries and EFTA countries for policy-making and research purposes. The SES is a large enterprise sample survey providing detailed and comparable information on the relationships between the level of remuneration and individual characteristics of employees (sex, age, occupation, length of service, highest educational level attained, etc.) and those of their employer (economic activity, size and location of the enterprise).

The statistics of the SES refer to enterprises with at least 10 employees operating in all areas of the economy except public administration defined in Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE).

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The Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. The AES covers the resident population aged 25-64. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview.

Adult Education Surveys were carried out in 2007, 2011 and 2016 and results are published in Eurostat's online database. The next AES is planned for 2022.

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The European road freight transport survey (ERFT) microdata were anonymised for the first time in 2013. Anonymised data sets are available for the reference years 2011 to 2014. European countries collect data on vehicles, journeys and goods transport operations with surveys and transmit them quarterly to Eurostat. The anonymised microdata set covers information for an entire year. The dataset includes data from 27 EU countries (EU-28 except Malta) and EFTA countries (except Iceland) who report road freight transport survey data to Eurostat.

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The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) consists of four modules on health status, health care use, health determinants and socio-economic background variables. EHIS targets the population aged at least 15 and living in private households.

The European Health Interview Survey is run every 5 years. The first wave of The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS 1) was conducted between years 2006 and 2009.

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The Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS) is an enterprise survey which is part of the EU statistics on lifelong learning. The survey aims at comparable statistical information on continuing vocational training in enterprises and covers the following topics: CVT surveys were carried out for the reference years 1993, 1999, 2005, 2010 and 2015.

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The Community survey concerning statistics on the Information Society survey is conducted annually in all Member States, two countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), candidate and accession countries to the EU.

The transmission of microdata to Eurostat was voluntary until the reference year 2010 while it has been mandatory from 2011 onwards.

The survey gathers information on access and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) from households and individuals. The survey covers households with at least one member in the age between 16 and 74 and individuals with an age between 16 and 74. Information on access to ICT, e.g. connection to the internet, is collected at household level while statistics on the use of ICT, mainly on the use of the internet is gathered for persons. The survey distinguishes between annual core subjects, which are included in the survey every year, and episodic topics on various ICT phenomena, which change in different survey years.

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Micro-Moments Dataset (MMD) is a product of the Eurostat-funded projects that ran from 2010 to 2013 on linking statistical data from different sources to derive measures of the impact of ICT and innovation on business performance and productivity.

MMD is unique in enabling studies of the economic impact of ICT at company level to be compared across a large sample of European countries. The micro-aggregated harmonized industry-level data relates ICT and innovation variables to economic performance and characteristics indicators on a comparable basis across industry groups and countries. This allows ICT use data to be combined with other aggregate economic data on productivity and growth analysis (e.g. EU KLEMS).

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Household Budget Surveys (HBSs) are national surveys focusing mainly on consumption expenditure. They are conducted in all EU Member States and their primary aim (especially at national level) is to calculate weights for the Consumer Price Index. They were launched in most EU Member States in the beginning of the 1960's and Eurostat has been collating and publishing these survey data every five years since 1988. The two last collection rounds were 2005 and 2010.

Since the survey is conducted based on a gentlemen’s agreement, each Member State decides the objectives, methodology and frequency of conduction of the survey. Although there have been continuous efforts towards harmonisation, differences remain. The surveys vary between countries in terms of frequency, timing, content or structure.

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