ECLAC Executive Secretary as a Duly Designated Representative 
- signs the application form for the research entity;
- signs a confidentiality undertaking (pg. 30) and initials the terms of use;
DPPO - Deputy Executive Secretary - Contact person for Eurostat 
- is identified in the application form and confidentiality undertaking;
- coordinates with the "Data Manager" (HSC Library) on the submission of the research proposals and final report at the level of the entity;
- coordinates with the "Data Manager" (HSC Library) the submission of any publication or results of research at the level of the entity;
- countersigns each research proposal submitted by researchers linked to ECLAC; the contact person confirms by his/her signature that all persons named in the research proposal are employed by, or are formally related to (e.g. PhD students), the research entity;
- shall inform researchers named in the research proposal about the obligations laid down in the terms of use of confidential data
- shall respond to any enquiries concerning processing of the confidential data for scientific purposes (personal data), and shall cooperate in good faith with the Commission (Eurostat), the data subject and the European Data Protection Supervisor concerning all such enquiries within a reasonable time;
- in a network project, confirms participation of individual researchers from the entity, if another research is coordinator.
Principal Researcher - Santiago ECLAC staff only, named in the research proposal 
- Submits and signs the research proposal and the individual confidentiality declaration (coordinated and prepared with the Data Manager) according the guidelines of the European Commission and ECLAC Headquarters.
- Identifies individual researchers participating in the research project;
- Responsible for the lawful access to confidential data for scientific purposes for all researchers named in the research proposal;
- Protects confidential data for scientific purposes in accordance with the conditions specified in the relevant documents (confidentiality undertaking and terms of use, and individual confidentiality declaration);
- Informs EUROSTAT of any changes to the research proposal (under the coordination of the Data Manager)
- Follows the guidelines for publication attached to the data; (see How to use microdata properly Self-study material for the users of EUROSTAT microdata sets")
- Describes and notes any manipulation of the data, including the methodology used in processing the data and the codes and scripts used in the research.
- Provides Eurostat and Data Manager with a copy of all reports, and outputs which have been produced using the data, including the methodology, codes and scripts used during the research.
Individual researcher - Santiago ECLAC staff only, named in the research proposal 
- Signs individual confidentiality declaration (each separately);
- Protects confidential data for scientific purposes in accordance with the conditions specified in the relevant documents (confidentiality undertaking and terms of use and individual confidentiality declaration); and ECLAC internal protocol of confidentiality;
- Follows the guidelines for research publication attached to the data. (see How to use microdata properly Self-study material for the users of EUROSTAT microdata
- Describes and notes any manipulation of the data, including the methodology applied in processing of the data and the codes and scripts used in the research.
Hernán Santa Cruz Library as a Data Manager 
- Coordinates and elaborates the research proposal with the principal researcher of the substantive division.
- Supports ECLAC Santiago Researchers in the preparation of their research proposals.
- Coordinates with the Deputy Executive Secretary of the DPPO, the submission of the research proposal to Eurostat
- Ensures secured access to stand alone machine for reviewing data
- Receives the medium containing confidential data for scientific purposes;
- Receives, curates and preserves a copy of all reports sent by the Principal Researcher, which have been produced using the data;
- Requests STIC to destroy received microdata and derived files after expiration of access to microdata and completion of the research project;
Director of Divisions 
Directors of Divisions has responsibilities in the ECLAC internal protocol as follow:
- Send the first communication to the Data Manager indicating the interest of the division of accessing specific microdata sets.
- Designates the Principal Researcher and research team related to the Research Proposal.
- Review and approved the research proposals prepared by the Principal Researcher.
- Authorize any amendment done after a Research Proposal was approved by Eurostat.
STIC has responsibilities in the ECLAC internal protocol as follow:
- Provide the proper infrastructure to ensure the security of Eurostat microdata.
- Provide a permanent standalone computer with security acces, and special characteristics specified by the Data Manager.(located in the HSC Library)
- Develop an special server environment to work with Eurostat microdata.
- Develop a script that automatically deletes the information saved in the specific drive and folder, after a Research Proposal ends.