Naciones Unidas

Eurostat microdata

Who can access this data


It is important to note, that the recognition as a research entity covers only the Headquarters at Santiago and therefore omits sub-regional headquarters and national offices. Use is therefore restricted to staff in Santiago*.   

Access to confidential Eurostat data will only be provided to ECLAC Headquarters staff (unfortunately this excludes consultants and interns as the confidentiality agreement refers to the staff who have signed the staff rules as defined by the UN Oath of Office; and consultants and interns do not sign the UN oath of office) within secure ECLAC premises in Santiago (Chile).   

Staff researchers from sub-regional headquarters and national offices could eventually benefit from Eurostat data by

1. being named on the research proposals prepared by any Substantive Division in Santiago 

2. accessing microdata that have already been anonymized and is being used in the same research proposal. 

Eurostat uses the concept of 'safe researcher' to indicate the type of researcher that can access the databases. A safe researcher is aware of their responsibilities as they are entrusted with access to confidential data, see the “five safes” of Eurostat. 

Two or more research entities may submit a joint research project proposal. Each partner organisation must be recognized as a research entity and must also sign a confidentiality undertaking. The joint research proposal must be signed by the principal researcher and/or the coordinating partner. 

(*)] Thursday, June 7, 2018 (\EUROSTAT\RE_ ECLAC application EUROSTAT_email.pdf)