The objective of environment statistics is to provide information about the environment, its most important changes over time and across locations and the main factors that influence them. The scope of environment statistics covers biophysical aspects of the environment and those aspects of the socioeconomic system that directly influence and interact with the environment such as water, air, climate, biodiversity, land use, forest, marine ecosystems, pollution, energy, soild waste, access to water, extreme events and disasters, etc.
According to Handbook 61 of ECLAC, Methodological guide to develop environmental and sustainable development indicators in Latin American and Caribbean countries, environment statistics are statistical series produced regarding the main environmental variables and dynamics in the territory and time as per example: water, air, climate, biota (biodiversity), land use, forests, coastlines, marine ecosystems, pollution (breathable air, seawater), solid waste, access to water and basic sanitation, extreme events and disasters etc.
Generally indicators are variables that try to measure or objectify, in a quantitative or qualitative way, collective events in order to be able to support actions. Its processing in forms of aggregation, proportion, growth rates (among others), with the aim of showing the state, evolution or trends of a phenomenon related to the main environmental dynamics in the territory and time, is what interests us, for example: water, air, climate, biodiversity, soil, land use, forests, coastlines, marine ecosystems, pollution, solid waste, access to water and sanitation, energy, environmental management, etc.
The FDES 2013 is relevant to, and recommended for use by, countries at all stages of development. However, it is particularly useful for guiding the formulation of environment statistics programmes in countries at the early stages of developing environment statistics as it (i) identifies the scope and constituent components, subcomponents and statistical topics relevant for them; (ii) contributes to the assessment of data requirements, sources, availability and gaps; (iii) guides the development of multipurpose data collection processes and databases; and (iv) assists in the coordination and organization of environment statistics, given the interinstitutional nature of the domain.