Environment and climate change statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean

Climate change indicators

Climate Change (CC) is a transversal and complex phenomenon, which includes economic, social and environmental dimensions that interact with each other. The statistical description of the environmental dimension is the least developed. The FDES allows the construction of environmental statistics that describe climate change, in all the stages defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (better known by its acronym in English, IPCC), that is Precursor Processes; Evidence; Impact and vulnerability; and Mitigation and Adaptation. These statistics are present across all components of the FDES, from atmospheric conditions or greenhouse gas emissions to biodiversity, the impact of disasters and diseases associated with climate change.

Climate Process Drivers


The Statistics Division of the United Nations Economic and Social Council developed a global set of statistics and indicators on climate change, which was approved by the United Nations Statistical Commission in decisions 47/112 (see E/2016/24-E/CN.3/2016/34) and 49/113, in collaboration with the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, to promote the relationship between policies and statistics . The five policy areas of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are broken down into 34 themes. In each domain, the most important indicators are listed to describe the themes, thereby guiding countries in developing national climate change statistics programs in a comprehensive and balanced manner. Thus, the global set of climate change statistics and indicators contains 158 indicators and their underlying statistics. 

More information at UN Statistics Division