Environment and climate change statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean

United Nations Statistical Commission

The United Nations Statistical Commission (UN STATCOM) is the highest decision-making body for international statistical activities since 1947, especially for the creation of statistical standards, development of concepts and methods and their application at the national and international level.

To support the Statistical Commission in its work related to environmental statistics and as a result of the approval of the Framework for the Development of Environmental Statistics (FDES) in 2013, the United Nations Statistical Commission approved in 2013 the creation of a Group of Experts in Environmental Statistics (EGES). The EGES aims to collaborate with the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) to develop methodological support tools, practical guidance and training material that contribute to the implementation of the FDES 2013 in the countries. The EGES meets once a year and its reports are available online.

Reports of the Statistical Commission (per session and topics from 2015 (in English)

Expert Group on Environment Statistics

The Statistical Commission at its 44th session in 2013 approved the establishment of the Expert Group on Environment Statistics (EGES) to collaborate with UNSD in the work of developing additional methodological tools, practical guidance and training material, and to contribute to the implementation of FDES 2013 in the countries. These tools are being built sequentially over time, as components of a FDES 2013 toolkit..

The EGES was convened in 2014 and comprises experts on environment statistics and related areas from all geographical regionsThe EGES meets annually to review the progress made in the implementation of the FDES 2013 in countries. Complementarily, during each calendar year, the EGES organizes its work remotely through smaller teams tasked with specific areas of work.

Currently, the EGES is jointly developing the Manual on the Basic Set of Environment Statistics, which consists of methodological sheets for the various topics and components of the FDES. These sheets provide detailed methodological guides including definitions, classifications, statistics, collection and/or compilation methods, dissemination and main uses of the sets of the respective environment statistics. The EGES is also in the process of further development work on a Climate Change Statistics and Indicators Self-assessment Tool based on the statistics and indicators in the Global Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators.


Other expert groups

  • The UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) was established by the UN Statistical Commission at its 36th session in March 2005. The UNCEEA functions as an intergovernmental body to provide overall vision, coordination, prioritization and direction in the field of environmental economic accounting and supporting statistics. The UNCEEA meets once a year in New York and is governed by the Bureau of the UNCEEA.
  • Inter-agency and Expert Group (IAEG) on Disaster-Related Statistics is established according to the decision (50/116) of the United Nations Statistical Commission taken at its 50th session in 2019. It is a mechanism under the purview of the UN Statistical Commission established with the main objective to promote a common statistical framework on statistics related to disasters that involves a network between expert communities to maintain cooperation, coordination and fundraising to improve statistics related to dangerous events and disasters. The IAEG is currently co-chaired by ESCAP and UNDRR. One of the key functions of the IAEG is the regular organization of an expert forum to support cooperation, coordination and fundraising to improve statistics related to hazardous events and disasters.