Environment and climate change statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean

Statistics Division, ECLAC

The Statistics Division of ECLAC promotes the conceptual and methodological development of environmental statistics, indicators and environmental accounts in Latin America and the Caribbean. Also, it disseminates comparable information at the regional level, provides technical assistance and training to the countries of the region in order to strengthen capacities to build and maintain statistics, indicators and environmental accounts.


El cambio climático y la biodiversidad en América Latina y el Caribe  (2017) 4:26

Statistics Division Working Program

The Statistical Yearbook

The Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean, which has been published since 1973, offers a set of basic statistics and indicators that characterize the economic, sociodemographic and environmental situation of the region. The environmental part of the Yearbook is enriched with new relevant indicators each year.
PDF version of the Yearbook  | Web version of the Yearbook

Conferencia Estadística de las Américas (CEA - CEPAL)

Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA)

Established in 2000 pursuant to ECLAC resolution 580(XXVIII) and Economic and Social Council resolution 2000/7, the Conference contributes to the progress of policies on statistics and statistical activities in the countries of the region and promotes international, regional and bilateral cooperation among national statistical offices and international and regional agencies. The Statistics Division of ECLAC acts as the Technical Secretariat of the SCA.



CEPALSTAT is the gateway to all the statistical information of Latin America and the Caribbean countries collected, systematized and published by ECLAC. In CEPALSTAT you can find the national profiles, statistics and indicators of the countries classified as Demographic and social; Economic; Environmental; and Transversal Themes, as well as their methods and classifications.

Red Regional de Estadísticas Ambientales

Regional Network of Environment and Climate Change Statistics

The Latin American Regional Network (Spanish version) was launched in December 2017 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Caribbean Regional Network (English version) was adapted in 2022 under the activities of the Development Account project. Its general objective is to strengthen the production and use of environment and climate change data, statistics, indicators, and environmental accounts in the countries and the region by creating an informal space for exchanging, discussing, and disseminating information relevant to environment and climate change statistics.

Asistencias técnica y cursos-talleres

Technical assistance and courses-workshops

Information related to the courses, workshops, seminars, training and webinars carried out by the Statistics Division, ECLAC.

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Alberto Malmierca

Environment Statistics Unit

Statistics Division

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean


ECLAC’s Publications