Naciones Unidas

Planning for development in the 60 years of ILPES

The first 15 years (1962-1977): The institutionalization of economic and social development planning

During its first 15 years, ILPES' direction and work made a significant contribution to the institutionalization of economic and social development planning in Latin America. ILPES assisted the countries of the region with technical expertise in planning, in establishing and strengthening the institutional and technical organization required for economic and social development programming, in preparing development plans and programs (and some long-term development strategies), and in carrying out studies to improve planning.  

During this period, the Institute played an especially important role in the establishment of planning institutions in the region: the organization of planning units at different levels of public administration -central, sectoral, institutional, regional- and the opening of more than 17 planning offices in the region.  

ILPES trained a portion of the Latin American technocracy through its courses -more than 6000 during this period between the central planning course, special/sectoral courses, and intensive national courses -and through advisory services, disseminating theoretical knowledge on economic and social development and planning through the design, implementation, and evaluation of public policies. 

Featured publications

A selection of seminars from the first 15 years

Seminario sobre Aspectos Sociales del Desarrollo Regional (1969)

Organized by ECLAC, ILPES and the Office of Technical Cooperation in Santiago, Chile, 3-4 November 1969. 

Cover Problemas del desarrollo social de América Latina

Problemas del desarrollo social de América Latina (1971)

Documentos de reuniones y conferencias (INST/S.6/L.7), Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES) Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Experiencias y problemas de la planificación en América Latina: trabajos presentados al Seminario de Planificación (1974)

Planning Seminar held in Santiago, Chile, 17-21 July 1972, under the auspices of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES). 

Serie Textos del ILPES-CEPAL| Siglo XXI editores.

Cover Serie Textos del ILPES

Planificación regional y urbana en América Latina (1974)

International Seminar on Regional and Urban Planning in Latin America, held in Viña del Mar, Chile, 17-22 April 1972, organized by the Latin American Institute of Social Research (ILDIS) and ILPES. 

Serie Textos del ILPES | SigloXXI Editores.

Cover Cuadernos del ILPES No. 25

Planificación de corto plazo: la dinámica de los precios, el empleo y el producto (1977)

Conference on Short-Term Macroeconomic Planning and Policy in Latin America, Isla Contadora, Panama, 31 October - 2 November 1975, organized by ILPES, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Policy of Panama and the National Bureau of Economic Research. 

Cuadernos del ILPES No. 25