Naciones Unidas

Planning for development in the 60 years of ILPES

Mid-1970s to late 1980s (1977-1990): The decline of development planning

The period from the 1970s to the late 1980s was one of profound economic, political, social, and territorial transformations in Latin America and the Caribbean. The external debt crisis and the implementation of structural adjustment policies by different countries in the region as promoted within the Washington Consensus prompted the adoption of a new style of development in the region. This period marked a turning point worldwide in economic thinking on the role of the market as the main mechanism for promoting development, and in Latin America and the Caribbean this change led to an increased deregulation and liberalization of economies, a deepening of an insertion in external markets through the promotion of exports, and a reorganization of public finances, with the subsequent reduction of the State and its diminished intervention in the economy.  

From the 1970s onwards, the State and planning ceased to carry the weight of the previous period due to shifts in the development model adopted by most of the countries in the region. During this period, public policies ceased to consider long-term planning because the macroeconomic crisis, hyperinflation and stagnant growth dominated the attention of public programs. In this regard, the focus of much of the work of ILPES and ECLAC was on how to manage the crisis. 

During this period, ILPES’ research focused on public sector economic programming, social policies, investment and project programming, and regional planning and policies. Regarding the latter, inequality as a problem resulting from new development patterns began to guide thinking on territorial development. Since the mid-1960s, regional development had been part of ILPES' school of thought. During this period, with respect to the determinants of territorial development and the alternatives for reducing existing inequalities in Latin America and the Caribbean, the concept of endogenous development emerged, and the limits imposed by capitalist accumulation to achieve a more balanced socio-spatial development were debated. 

Featured publications

A selection of seminars (mid-1970s to late 1980s)

Cover documento

Desarrollo social en los 80 / Rolando Franco y J.C. Zavala (1983)

International Symposium on Social Development Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean during the Decade of the Eighties, Santiago, Chile, 12-15 April 1982, organized by ILPES, ECLAC, UNICEF (Regional Office for the Americas). 

Cover CEPAL Review 31

Coloquio Internacional sobre Nuevas Orientaciones para la Planificación en Economías de Mercado (1987)

International Colloquium on New Orientations for Planning in Market Economies, organized jointly by the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Santiago, Chile, 25-27 August 1986. Published in CEPAL Review No. 31. (LC/G.1452)

Cover Serie Seminarios y Conferencias No. 29

La democracia frente al reto del Estado eficiente / A. Costa Filho; B. Kliksberg; y J. Martín (comp.) | CEPAL-ILPES / PNUD (1988)

Latin American Meeting on Economic Planning and Public Management: Democracy facing the Challenge of the Efficient State in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 23-26 September 1987 Edition for the XXV Anniversary of ILPES.



Selection of documents submitted to the Seminario "Gestión del Gasto Público y Programación de Inversiones" / CEPAL-ILPES / Banco Mundial (1990)

Seminar on Public Expenditure Management and Investment Programming in Santiago, Chile, 25-28 September 1989, organized by ILPES and the Economic Development Institute (EDI) of the World Bank. (LC/IP/L.30)

Cover Cuadernos del ILPES No. 25

Seminario Interagencial acerca de la Descentralización y Desconcentración de los Sectores y los Servicios Sociales (1990)

Seminar held in Brasilia, Brazil 9-12 October 1989, organized by ILPES, PAHO/WHO, OREALC/UNESCO. (LC/IP/R.81)