Centro-periferia: orígenes del concepto y su evolución
Contenidos: Estructuralismo y neoestructuralismo en el pensamiento más reciente de la CEPAL (de 1998 en adelante). Se recomienda consultar las siguientes referencias:
- Bielschowsky, R y M, Torres (Comps) (2018), Desarrollo e igualdad: el pensamiento de la CEPAL en su séptimo decenio. Textos seleccionados del período 2008-2018,
- Bielschowsky, R (Comp) (2010) 60 años de la CEPAL. Textos seleccionados del decenio 1998-2008
- Pérez Caldentey, E. Sunkel, O & Torres, M. (2012). Raúl Prebisch (1901-1986): Un recorrido por las etapas de su pensamiento sobre el desarrollo económico.
- Rodriguez, Octavio (2006), “El estructuralismo latinoamericano”, disponible en: https://repositorio.cepal.org/handle/11362/1952 (Un texto de gran profundidad analítica cubriendo el periodo fundacional de la CEPAL y llegando hasta 1990)
- Torres, M. (2019) Globalización, capitalismo transnacional y dependencia: el itinerario de una “visión”, en Bárcena, A. y Torres, M. (2019), Del estructuralismo al neoestructuralismo: la travesía intelectual de Osvaldo Sunkel, CEPAL, Santiago. https://repositorio.cepal.org/handle/11362/44831
- Torres, M (Comp). (2006). Fernando Fajnzylber. Una visión renovadora del desarrollo en américa Latina. Libros de la CEPAL, No. 92, CEPAL, Santiago. https://repositorio.cepal.org/handle/11362/2458
Una introducción a la macroeconomía estructuralista
Contenidos: modelos formales en la tradición estructuralista
- Modelos con restricción externa
- Modelos estructuralistas en economía abierta y movimientos de capital
- Modelos “stock flow consistent”
- Blecker, R. & Setterfield, M. 2019. Heterodox Macroeconomics: Models of Demand, Distribution and Growth. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
- Botta, A., Godin, A., Missaglia, M. 2016. “Finance, Foreign (Direct) Investment, and the Dutch Disease. The case of Colombia”, Economia Politica, vol. 33 (2), pp. 265 – 289.
- Botta, A. 2017. “Dutch Disease-cum-Financialization Booms and External Balance Cycles in Developing Countries”, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, vol. 37 (3), pp. 459 – 477.
- Botta, A. 2018. “The long-run effects of portfolio capital inflow booms in developing countries: Permanent structural hangovers after short-term financial euphoria”, UN-ECLAC division of productive development WP no. 221.
- Porcile, G. and Yashima, G. (2019) “New Structuralism and the Balance-of-Payments Constraint”, Review of Keynesian Economics, Vol. 7 No. 4, Winter 2019, pp. 517–536.
- Blecker, R.A. 2011. “Long-run growth in open economies: Export-led cumulative causation or a balance-of-payments constraint?” In G. Harcourt and P. Kriesler (eds.), Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Dutt, A. 2002. Thirlwall’s law and uneven development. Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics 24(3): 367-390.
- ECLAC. 2012. Structural Change for Equality: An Integrated Approach to Development. Santiago de Chile: https://repositorio.cepal.org/handle/11362/13535
- ECLAC (2016). The Inefficiency of Inequality. Santiago de Chile. https://repositorio.cepal.org/handle/11362/43443
- Ffrench-Davis, R. & Ocampo. J.A. 2001. The globalization of financial volatility. In R. Ffrench-Davis (ed.), Financial Crises in ‘Successful’ Emerging Economies. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press/ECLAC.
- Frenkel, R. & Rapetti, M. 2011. A concise history of exchange rate regimes in Latin America. In J.A. Ocampo and J. Ros (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Economics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gouvea, R.R. & Lima, G.T. 2010. Structural change, balance of payments constraint and economic growth: Evidence from the multi-sectoral Thirlwall’s law. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 33(1): 169-204.
- Guzmán, M., Ocampo, J.A. & Stiglitz, J. 2018. Real exchange rate policies for economic development, World Development, 110: 51-62.
- Thirlwall, A.P. 1979. The balance of payments constraint as an explanation of the international growth rate differences. PSL Quarterly Review 32(128): 45-53.
- Thirlwall, A. P. (2011). Balance of payments constrained growth models: history and overview. PSL Quarterly Review, 64(259).
- Verspagen, B. 1993 Uneven Growth Between Interdependent Economies: An Evolutionary View of Technology Gaps, Trade and Growth. Avebury: Ashgate Publisher.
- Yilmaz, D., Godin, A. 2020. “Modelling small open developing economies in a financialized world: A stock-flow consistent prototype”, AFD Research Paper no. 125.
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