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Economic Methods
Balance of payments
External Trade
National Accounts
Public Finance
Manual de Balanza de Pagos y Posición de Inversión Internacional (FMI, 2009)
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (IMF, 2009)
Revisión del Manual de balanza de pagos, quinta edición (FMI, 2004)
Revision of the Fifth Edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual (IMF, 2004)
Balance of Payments Manual (IMF, 1993)
(Disponible en inglés | Only in English)
Guía para compiladores del Manual de Estadísticas del Comercio Internacional de Servicios 2010 (UNSD, 2016)
Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services 2010: Compiler’s Guide (UNSD, 2016)
International Merchandise Trade Statistics. Compilers Manual, Revision 1 (UNSD, 2013)
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Manual de Estadísticas del Comercio Internacional de Servicios 2010 (UNSD, 2010)
Manual on Statistics of international trade in services 2010 - MSITS (UNSD, 2010)
International Merchandise Trade Statistics: Supplement to the Compilers Manual (UNSD, 2008)
(Disponible en inglés | Only in English) International merchandise trade statistics: supplement to the compilers manual: corrigendum
Estadísticas del comercio internacional: conceptos y definiciones (UNSD, 2000)
International merchandise trade statistics: concepts and definitions (UNSD,1998)
Cambio de año de referencia de los agregados regionales Anuales en las Cuentas Nacionales - Documento preliminar (CEPAL, 2022)
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Eurostat Handbook on the compilation of statistics on illegal economic activities in national accounts and balance of payments (EC, 2018)
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Beyond GDP Measuring What Counts for Economic and Social Performance (OECD, 2018)
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Consistency between national accounts and balance of payment statistics — an updated view on the non-financial accounts (EU, 2017)
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Eurostat - OECD Compilation Guides on Inventories (EC-OECD, 2017)
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A System of Health Accounts 2011. Revised Edition. (OECD, 2017)
A System of Health Accounts (OECD, 2000)
Producción financiera, flujos y stocks en el Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales (UNSD-Banco Central Europeo, 2015)
Financial Production, Flows and Stocks in the System of National Accounts (UNSD-European Central Bank, 2014)
European System of National Accounts ESA 2010 (EC-Eurostat, 2013)
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The Impact of Globalization on National Accounts (EC-UNECE, 2011)
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Cuenta satélite de turismo: Recomendaciones sobre el marco conceptual, 2008. Revisión 1 (UNSD, 2010)
Tourism Satellite Account:Recommended Methodological Framework 2008. Revision 1 (UNSD, 2010)
System of National Accounts 2008 (UNSD-EC-IMF-OECD-WB, 2009)
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System of National Accounts 1993
Understanding Economic Statistics: an OECD perspective (OECD, 2008)
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Eurostat manual of supply, use and input-output tables (EC, 2008)
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Cuentas nacionales: introducción práctica (UNSD, 2004)
National Accounts: A Practical Introduction (UNSD, 2003)
Manual de Contabilidad Nacional. Utilización de las macrocuentas en el análisis de políticas (UNSD, 2004)
Handbook of National Accounting.Use of Macro Accounts in Policy Analysis (UNSD, 2002)
Actualizaciones y enmiendas del Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales, 1993 (UNSD, 2004)
Updates and Amendments to the System of National Accounts, 1993 (UNSD, 2004)
Manual sobre las instituciones sin fines de lucro en el Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales (UNSD, 2003)
Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts (UNSD, 2003)
Manual de Contabilidad Nacional. Vinculación de la contabilidad de las empresas y la contabilidad nacional (UNSD, 2002)
Handbook of National Accounting. Links between business accounting and national accounting (UNSD, 2000)
Measuring the Non-Observed Economy A Handbook (OECD, 2002)
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Manual de cuentas nacionales trimestrales: conceptos, fuentes de datos y compilación (FMI, 2001)
Quarterly National Accounts Manual – (IMF, 2017 Edition)
Quarterly National Accounts Manual— Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation (IMF, 2001)
Handbook on price and volume measures in national accounts (EC, 2001)
(Disponible en inglés | Only in English)
Clasificaciones de gastos por finalidades (UNSD, 2001)
Classifications of Expenditure According to Purpose (UNSD, 2000)
Cuenta satélite del turismo (CST): recomendaciones sobre el marco conceptual (OCDE, 2001)
Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework, 2001 (OECD, 2001)
Handbook of National Accounting. A Systems approach to national accounts compilation (UNSD, 1999)
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Handbook of National Accounting -- Input-Output Table Compilation and Analysis (UNSD,1999)
(Disponible en inglés | Only in English)
Manual de contabilidad nacional. Utilización del Sistema de Cuentas Nacionales en las economías en transición (UNSD,1998)
Handbook of National Accounting. Use of the System of National Accounts in Economies in Transition (UNSD,1996)
Manual de contabilidad nacional. Contabilidad de la producción: fuentes y métodos (UNSD,1986)
Handbook of national accounting. Accounting for production: sources and methods (UNSD, 1986)
Manual de cuentas nacionales a precios constantes (UNSD, 1979)
(Disponible en español | Only in Spanish)
Provisional international guidelines on the national and sectoral balance-sheet and reconciliation accounts of the system (UNSD,1977)
(Disponible en inglés | Only in English)
Estadísticas de la deuda externa: Guía para compiladores y usuarios (FMI, 2003)
External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (IMF, 2014)
Manual de estadísticas de finanzas públicas 2001 (FMI, 2002)
Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001 (IMF, 2001)
Manual de estadísticas monetarias y financieras (FMI, 2000)
Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual (IMF, 2000)
Purchasing Power Parities and the Size of World Economies (WB, 2020)
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Export and Import Price Index Manual Theory and Practice (IMF, 2009)
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Manual del índice de precios al consumidor. Teoría y práctica (FMI, 2006)
Consumer price index manual. Theory and practice (IMF, 2004)
Manual del programa de comparación internacional (paridad del poder de compra) (UNSD,1993)
Handbook of the international comparison programme (UNSD,1992)
Estrategias para la medición de precios y cantidades en el comercio exterior (UNSD,1983)
Strategies for price and quantity measurement in external trade. A technical report (UNSD, 1981)
Eurostat Overview of employment flash (EU, 2019)
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Guide to Measuring Global Production (UNECE, 2015)
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Recomendaciones internacionales para estadísticas de turismo 2008. Revisión 1 (UNSD, 2010)
International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008. Revision 1 (UNSD, 2010)
Recomendaciones internacionales para estadísticas industriales 2008 (UNSD, 2010)
International Recommendations for Industrial Statistics 2008 (UNSD, 2009)
Eurostat Business Registers: Recommendations Manual (EU, 2010)
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Recomendaciones internacionales sobre estadísticas del comercio de distribución 2008 (UNSD, 2010)
International Recommendations for Distributive Trade Statistics 2008 (UNSD, 2009)
Compilation Manual for an Index of Services Production (OECD, 2007)
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Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators in a Changing World: Responding to Policy Needs (OCDE, 2007)
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Indicadores líderes compuestos. Resumen de metodologías de referencia para construir un indicador regional en América Latina (CEPAL, 2007)
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Normas Especiales para la Divulgación de Datos. Guía para suscriptores y usuarios (FMI, 2007)
The Special Data Dissemination Standard: guide for subscribers and users (IMF, 2007)
Frascati Manual. Proposed standard practice for surveys on research and experimental development (OECD, 2002)
Recomendaciones internacionales para las estadísticas de la construcción (UNSD, 1998)
International recommendations for construction statistics (UNSD,1997)
Recomendaciones para el programa mundial de estadísticas industriales de 1983. Parte I. Objetivos estadísticos generales (UNSD,1981)
Recommendations for the 1983 world programme of industrial statistics. Part one. General statistical objectives (UNSD, 1981)
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